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My name is Ashlynn Snead and this is my adoption story.







When I was three I was put in foster care. I was then put with a family that lived in Kings Mountain. I don't remember much being put in foster care and with a family except that I was scared because I didn't understand what was going on at the time.



I later moved to Charlotte with the family I was with. As I got older, I started to understand what had happened to me a little better, so I became angry at everything and everybody. I didn't understand why I was taken away from my biological family. I even began to think my biological family didn't want me because I wasn't the way they wanted me to be. I felt like I had no control over my life, so I started to act out and was horrible. It was the only way to get rid of my anger. I wouldn't even eat anything except Mac-n-Cheese and Mcdonalds because I thought eating would be the one thing I had control over in my life.



Almost two years later another family came and visited me. I started to spend a lot of time with this family and would spend the night at their house. In August 2013, my foster dad came to pick me up from the pre-k I was going to in Charlotte, like any other day, and took me to his house. When we got there I saw balloons and a banner that said, "Welcome Home! We Love You!" I didn't understand what was going on until I was told I was going to be adopted. I was shocked and confused because I hadn't even thought about being adopted. I honestly thought no one would ever want to adopt me, so I didn't get my hopes high. I was happy that I was going to be adopted but I didn't show it, I just stood there. But I was definitely happy that I was going to be adopted.







In January of 2014, we got a letter that said the adoption was final on January 10th. I was really happy that I had a forever family and I wouldn't have to worry about being taken to a different foster family.



In my biological family I had two brothers, TJ (the youngest) and Daniel (the oldest). I was the middle child. I had a different father than TJ, but I had the same father as Daniel. I might choose to meet my biological parents one day but I'm not quite sure yet. Out of Daniel, TJ and I, I was the only one to be put in foster care. When I turn 18 I plan on doing a DNA kit and finding Daniel.



If I had the chance to talk to kids who are new to foster care or are getting adopted I would tell them that even though it's tough now, it'll get better soon because GOD has a plan and he loves them more than they will ever know. I used to wonder why I had to be put in foster care, but now I know God had a plan and that I can help others who are going through what I went through.



When I grow up I want to be a lawyer that helps finalize adoptions. I would love to do anything to help foster kids. I want to be proof that just because you've had a hard past or was in foster care that you can do something amazing with your life and that you won't turn out like your biological parents who are in jail all the time and doing drugs. I want to be proof that GOD can take the bad and make it good.


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Passionate Advocate of Foster Care/Adoption. 👋🏻 Homeschool Mom who helps moms feel equipped to teach their kids. 🏠 Work from home mama 💻

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