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Hey! Welcome to our Blog! We are so excited you are here! We hope and pray that this blog encourages and helps you to find your place in taking care of the orphans of this world. We will be praying along with you guys and know God will reveal Himself to you if you simply open your heart and ask. We know very well how scary it can be to jump into something new and unknown!






We are Jeff and Mandy Marburger! We have been involved in foster care for almost 10 years now! God has certainly grown us in more ways than one throughout this 10 year journey and we are so thankful for that! We have been married for 11 years in May! We do FAR more together than we could ever do apart! We are blessed to have each other and LOVE seeing God use us and our family through foster care and adoption! We currently have 4 children! We have a 7 year old biological son! One 3 year old adopted son! One foster daughter who is 5 years old! And we have one foster son who is 1! We have welcomed a total of 7 children into our home! I don’t share that to elevate us in any way but to simply let you into our lives a little bit more! We are NOT perfect…. Far, far from it! God is molding us, shaping us and guiding us in this crazy journey and we are simply along for the ride!n


We desire for this Blog to be a place where we share not simply what our organization is up to, but more than that, we desire for it to be a space we can share, encourage, and guide others in how they can be a small or big part within foster care and adoption. Whatever season you are in, whatever age you are, whatever your life looks like…. We want you to know there is a place for you! It says in James 1:27 that “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress…”. We believe that we are ALL called to take care of the orphans of this world. Not just “some” people, or “special” people. ALL of us!! So, we hope this blog can allow you to take a peek into other people’s lives so you can see how YOU can help, how YOU can be a part, how YOU can make an impact!



We hope you enjoy the content you read! We hope it empowers you to take steps towards the “thing” God wants you to do! Only YOU know what that is, only YOU know what is pricking your heart and only YOU know what God is drawing you to! We pray you will listen to the Lord and trust that He is good! Trust that He has your best interest at heart, even when He calls you to do TOUGH things, maybe even calls you to do things you don’t want to do! I am so glad I am not in control of my life! I am so grateful for where God has put me and who he has placed around me but I can promise you it’s not the story I would have written for my life! It’s WAY better! I will close by saying: It’s not YOU that does ANY of this…. WE are not making an impact in foster care, GOD is, through US! But we HAVE to be willing to say YES! We have to be willing to surrender our will… with His will! Are you willing?


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Ministry Cofounder

Passionate Advocate of Foster Care/Adoption. 👋🏻 Homeschool Mom who helps moms feel equipped to teach their kids. 🏠 Work from home mama 💻

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