Hey guys! Thanks for coming along with us as we better inform you about our mission statement, what it means and how we work towards reaching this mission!

We are on the last part of our mission statement this week. Just as a refresher, our mission at One More One Less Project is to Inform, Inspire and Intertwine the local church with foster care and adoption. As we discuss “Intertwine” this week and how we go about doing that within the local church, I hope you will gain a better understanding of our mission as a whole!

James 1:27 says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

The church is made alive by the Spirit. God has gifted individuals and churches differently. When we work together in orphan/foster care to carry out the command found in James, the local church matures as disciples and the community becomes aware of the spirit through God using us!

There are SO many people involved in the foster care world: social workers, GAL Volunteers, Attorney’s, Judges, foster parents, birth parents, kinship care families, Group Home workers, etc. Our desire at OMOLP, is that ALL these different people involved in foster care and adoption would feel the love of the local church! We believe that in building up and loving the ones who are actively engaged and making a difference within the foster care community, those people are strengthened to continue on doing the work they feel called to.

Intertwining means to twist together, connect, link closely or to unite. Sometimes, those things can happen naturally! However, sadly, we have seen that intertwine piece doesn’t always happen naturally within the local church.

The reality is that some churches don’t engage with the foster care world. We have found that many churches aren’t aware of the needs that are so close to them through foster care. Often times, pastors do not speak about those needs from stage and so the church as a whole aren’t made aware of the ways they can truly bridge the gap where needed. Please don’t misunderstand me. There are churches who are engaged in foster care or adoption and are doing great things! There are also churches who are NOT involved in foster care or adoption but are still doing amazing things within their communities in other ways.

However, we boldly believe the church (Christ followers) should be caring for these needs within foster care, not the government. Reality is the government stepped in because the church stepped out. I know that sounds harsh, but it’s the truth.

We desire to change that. We feel God has called us to advocate for these kids, these families & these homes! One of the ways we do that is through intertwining the church with foster parents, guardian ad litem volunteers, judges, attorney’s, foster children and really anyone who is seeking to make a difference within the foster care world.

Most foster children are in the system completely heartbroken over the situations that are completely out of their control. Birth families are lost, confused, scared, feel like failures & feel completely alone. Social Workers are overworked and underpaid for everything that is required of them. Judges and attorney’s have to make really tough decisions that often keep them awake at night. Guardian Ad Litem volunteers have to play a role for children in court who can’t necessarily speak for themselves. Foster Parents often feel unsupported and exhausted.

Regardless, the intertwine piece is so important! If the church doesn’t connect, link up or unite with these people involved, the hope of Jesus in all of this sometimes feels distant, unattainable and lost. As Christians, we know this is not true! We know there is HOPE in Jesus for every single individual on this earth! There are mission fields right here in your town! You don’t have to go to another country to be on mission! There is lostness right here, there is brokenness right here, there seems to be a lack of hope right here.

What will the church do?


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Ministry Cofounder

Passionate Advocate of Foster Care/Adoption. 👋🏻 Homeschool Mom who helps moms feel equipped to teach their kids. 🏠 Work from home mama 💻

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