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There are so many reasons why people are involved with foster care.

For my husband and me the reason was the gospel.

God placed desires on our hearts separately way back when we were children and then again together when we dated as teenagers. Those desires came back into focus yet again many years later when our three biological children were teens. We reached a point where we were ready to say “yes” to whatever the Lord had for us.

When my husband and I became foster parents, it quickly became an interesting journey. A five year old little boy was placed in our home just three weeks after we were licensed. He was the most challenging child we’d ever worked with (and still is!). But we persevered and adopted him several years later. Ty is now 9 years old and asked Jesus to be his Savior after kids church when he was seven. We are so thankful for his decision.

We fostered several more children after Ty’s adoption was finalized. Then we got a sibling group of three. It was initially an easy “yes”. But the month after the kids moved in, the entire world shut down due to the pandemic. I was suddenly homeschooling a bunch of kids with learning disabilities and other special needs while also caring for the baby who literally cried inconsolably all day long. Those were some dark days. We wondered if we were doing the right thing. But the Lord gave us peace. He sustained us by His presence and by the practical support of other people.

Throughout our time as foster parents, our biological children have questioned things and struggled right along with us. They’ve had to share their parents and often been asked to set their own wants and needs aside. Some days they complain like typical teenagers and young adults. Other days they step up and lead the younger kids. Overall, they are amazing with handling children from broken situations.

This summer the Lord brought the entire foster care experience full circle for all of our kids. The older ones worked at a Christian camp. The younger kids went as campers. And our now-two-year old was able to go visit her siblings. One Thursday night we got the BEST phone call from camp! Our nine year old boy and eight year old girl had both asked Jesus into their hearts! We found out later that our 20 year old daughter, Avery, had been able to lead her little foster sister to Christ. She came home that weekend and said, “I guess these kids aren’t so bad”, half-jokingly. Avery gave her little sister a devotional and began to disciple her. THIS is what it’s all about! This is the ultimate goal of foster care. What a privilege to be able to help shine the light of the gospel into the darkest of places. What an honor to walk through brokenness with kids and their biological families. We do all the hard things like homework, therapies, doctor visits, and court dates in order to serve others well, just as Jesus did. It is the hardest, yet most joyful path we’ve ever walked down.

Our adoption of our sibling group of three will be finalized soon. These kids will no longer be foster children. They’ll be Browns and will forever have places in our family. We have many years of hard work and challenges ahead. But we’ll keep on going because of the hope of the gospel! It is our reason.

Beverly Brownn(Bio/foster/adoptive mom of 7 kids and a lot of pets)


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Passionate Advocate of Foster Care/Adoption. 👋🏻 Homeschool Mom who helps moms feel equipped to teach their kids. 🏠 Work from home mama 💻

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