Author: Mandy Marburger

Foster Care and COVID

Before I even begin on a topic that is so hot right now… I’d love

The Reason

There are so many reasons why people are involved with foster care. For my husband


I don’t even know how to begin. We found out this morning that our son’s

Mean Mommy

“You’re a mean mommy!!!” nn Ouch. Those words hurt. But those words were yelled at

Persevere Well

When things get hard in life we all tend to react!!n Most often we desire

Forever Family

2,026 days in foster care and today Madison Smith and Hannah Threadgill OFFICIALLY have a

Follow You Anywhere

Will you follow Him anywhere? I can easily say “yes” but when it comes down

What God Can Do in a Year

A Year of discipleship, a lifetime of Hope “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe

Falling Into Him

I remember 14 years ago, when I was a Teacher’s Assistant, at Graham Elementary School.


Hope (noun.) a feeling of expectation for a certain thing to happen. a feeling of

Ministry CoFounder
Mandy Marburger

Passionate Advocate of Foster Care/Adoption. 👋🏻 Homeschool Mom who helps moms feel equipped to teach their kids. 🏠 Work from home mama 💻

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